
NCSU KSA 한인학생회 회칙

NCSU KSA Constitution

Article I: Purpose

Section A

Korean Students Association exists to support the political, cultural and social needs of its members and the university community.


Section B

In order to meet such goals, the KSA provides a framework through which students of both Korean and non-Korean descent can meet and address significant Korean-American political issues, celebrate the Korean culture, and gather in a mutually encouraging and enforcing social community.


Section C

Raise outside awareness and understanding of both the Korean and Korean-American community against discrimination.


Article II: Structure

Section A

The KSA is the organization under the Student Involvement of North Carolina State University.


Section B

The essential purposes outlined in Article I will be attended to by the Executive Board and the active members of the KSA.


Section C

The Executive Board stands to raise awareness of important issues concurrently affecting the Korean- American community, provide a forum for feedback in the decision-making process, hold elections in a manner appropriate to the KSA Constitution, and perform the various individual duties and responsibilities.


Section D

Executive Board decisions are made by a simple hand vote. A majority of at least three officers shall pass a proposal. All proposals made in an Executive Board must be presented at the next general assembly meeting.


Section E

The Executive Board of the Korean Students Association will include only elected positions.

All Executive Board members must be registered graduates of good standing at North Carolina State University.


Section F

The number of vice presidents will not exceed two. The number of representatives per class will not exceed two.

All other Executive Board positions will not number more than one per position.

Article III: Duties & Responsibilities of the Executive Board

Section A: President (Officier)

(1) Provide overall leadership to the organization, setting overall goals for the year.

(2) Oversee meetings and all activities and projects of the KSA.

(3) Serve as spokesperson and/or representative for KSA at all external events. 

(4) Call and preside at the Executive Board and General Meetings.

Section B: Vice-President (Officier)

(1) Support and assist the President.

(2) Take over the duties of the President if the President's position becomes vacant.

Section C: Treasurer (Officier)

(1) Carry signatory power to access KSA funds.

(2) Provide regular financial updates to the Executive Board, as requested.

(3) Be responsible for accounts payable and receivable and financial record keeping. 

(4) Prepare an annual report by the May meeting of each year.

Section D: Secretary (Officier)

(1) Maintain and update KSA records.

(2) Be responsible for taking the minutes at all meetings.

Section E: Online Content/Community Management Chair (Standing board)

(1) Maintain and update the KSA website.

(2) Prepare and post flyers of meetings and events.


Section F: Conference/Event Management Chair (Standing board)

(1) Schedule and reserve conference/event rooms

(2) Organize the meetings including sending invitation letters and collecting registrants for the conference/events.


Section G: Partnership Development Chair (Standing board)

(1) Promote relationships with external institutes.

(2) Create network relationships with local/foreign industries and academia.


Article IV: Membership

Section A

Membership is open to all full-time Korean graduates of North Carolina State University.


Section B

A member shall be considered active if (s)he has attended at least half the general meetings during each semester.


Section C

This organization and its members shall not discriminate against any individuals for reasons of race, creed, sexual orientation, age, or physical disability.

Article V: Meetings 

Section A

Executive Board meetings will be held twice a month. General meetings will be held at least once a month.


Section B

At least three members of the Executive Board, one of whom shall preside, must be present at an official meeting.


Section C

A quorum shall consist of at least one-third attendance of all active members.


Article VI: Elections 

Section A

Elections for each of the Executive Board members shall be conducted in May of every academic year unless stated otherwise.


Section B

Nominations may only be made by active voting members.


Section C

Only active members are eligible to hold office. In order to be eligible for the office of President, the candidate must have been on the Executive Board for at least two years. In order to be eligible for the Office of Vice President, the candidate must have served on the Executive Board for at least one year.


Section D

There are no limits on the number of terms for the Executive Board members, except for the President, who may only hold one term in office.


Article VII: Amendment Procedures 

Section A

Amendments to the Constitution may be proposed by any active member of the KSA.


Section B

The Executive Board must evaluate the amendment proposal and present its decision no later than the next KSA general meeting.

Section C

If the proposed amendment is approved by three-quarters of the Executive Board, it shall be voted on by quorum of all active members. Three-quarters of the quorum may pass the proposal.